British Museum’s Curator’s Corner: St. J. Simpson talking about World heritage at risk in Yemen.

Interview to Laila Nehmé on FranceCulture : De Petra à Hegra…les nabatéens d’Arabie retrouvés (in French).

Visible Words – Mots à Voir Program: Emmanuelle Morlock (HiSoMA) presenting an Introduction to Digital Epigraphy.

SunoikisisDC Spring 2017: Gabriel Bodard and Simona Stoyanova presenting the Encoding of ancient texts session.

Digital Classicist London Seminars 2014: Pietro Liuzzo presenting The Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy (EAGLE) and Linked Open Data.

SunoikisisDC Fall 2016: Gabriel Bodard introducing the program Digital Approaches to History and Archaeology, with a focus on Object, Artefact, Script.